Keller Williams Coastal and Lakes & Mountains Realty - Christie Weir

Join A Notch Above Group

Become a valued member of a top-notch team that will provide you with the competitive edge essential for success

Email [email protected] or Text JOIN A NOTCH ABOVE to 603.833.9922 to get the conversation started.

Welcome to A Notch Above Group at Keller Williams, where we understand that great sales representatives and operations administrators are not simply born or molded by external entities. Instead, they blossom into excellence when placed in the optimal environment. At A Notch Above Group, we recognize the pivotal role that a supportive and growth-oriented workplace plays in shaping the trajectory of a real estate professional’s career.

We believe in fostering an environment that not only recognizes individual potential but actively cultivates it. Our commitment to providing a platform for personal and professional development sets us apart. We understand that thriving in real estate is a product of the right conditions, and we are dedicated to creating those conditions within our team.

Joining A Notch Above Group means becoming part of a community that values continuous learning, collaboration, growth and empowerment. Our team is comprised of individuals who have found their stride in an environment that encourages innovation and embraces the ever-evolving landscape of real estate.

If you are ready to unlock your full potential and elevate your career in real estate, look no further. At A Notch Above Group, we are not just recruiting real estate representatives; we are cultivating future leaders in the industry. Join us, and let your journey to greatness begin.


To create an empowering environment for our sales representatives and operations administrators, facilitating the development of their skills as accomplished sales and business professionals. We are committed to fostering a space where each team member can unlock their full potential, enabling them to excel in the dynamic world of real estate. Through continuous support, training, and a culture of growth, we aspire to be the catalyst that propels our teammates to unparalleled success.


Our core values center around aspiring to be the premier real estate team servicing New Hampshire and Vermont. We are dedicated to achieving top-notch results through a steadfast commitment to excellence, professionalism, and unwavering client satisfaction. By upholding these values, we aim to not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients, setting a standard of excellence in the real estate industry for the benefit of our community and beyond.


We recognize the challenges of being a superhero in the real estate industry, and we embrace the pursuit of excellence in every aspect of our work. Our culture is built on a foundation of unwavering integrity, dependability, punctuality, and accountability. We prioritize extraordinary customer satisfaction and encourage our team to go above and beyond their job profiles.

In addition to maintaining the highest professional standards, we foster a dynamic and enjoyable atmosphere within our office. We believe that a positive and energetic workplace not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the collective success of our team. Join us in embodying these values, and together, we will continue to soar to new heights in the real estate industry.


We would like to extend a personal invitation for you to meet with our esteemed management team and discover firsthand why our team of professionals consistently achieve success. At A Notch Above Group, we are committed to providing unparalleled motivation, coaching, marketing, accountability, and technical support that directly contribute to remarkable results.

Explore how our comprehensive approach is designed to maximize your income and propel your career to new heights. We are dedicated to helping you become the best version of yourself, and with our personalized attention and unwavering commitment, we aim to demonstrate exactly how we can make that happen.

Now is an opportune moment to explore the exciting possibilities available to you in your real estate career. If your objective is to elevate your productivity and income, consider joining our team of professionals. No matter the path you choose, facing the future together with us promises to open more doors and opportunities than ever before.

Email [email protected] or Text JOIN A NOTCH ABOVE to 603.833.9922 to get the conversation started.

A Message From Our Team Leader

Embark on a rewarding journey by aligning yourself with one of the most dedicated and passionate real estate offices in the area—ours! At A Notch Above Group, our track record is a testament to our commitment and excellence, a source of pride for every member of our team. We are actively seeking talented and determined real estate professionals to join our dynamic team. If you see yourself as someone who thrives in a high-energy, results-oriented environment, we invite you to take the next step and reach out to us. Discover how you can elevate your career with a brokerage that values your skills and ambitions. Taking the initiative costs you nothing, but the potential benefits are immeasurable. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you and explore the exciting possibilities that await.

- Joey

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    Christie Weir pot proporcionar orientació experta adaptada als matisos del vostre mercat local.
    Christie Weir pot aprofitar dades de mercat detallades per proporcionar una valoració precisa de l'habitatge.
    El camp del missatge no pot estar buit.
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    Christie Weir
    Número de llicència: N/A
    A Notch Above Real Estate

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